Featured Artist Mary FischerSep 03, 2021 - Sep 26, 2021

Curatorial Statement

Gallery Closing Reception: Friday, September 24, 2021 from 5-7 pm MT

Exhibition Posted Online: Monday, September 6, 2021 by 10 am MT


For our fortieth birthdays, a friend and I gave ourselves clay lessons at a city-funded facility a few blocks from my house in Austin. After becoming addicted, I took classes at the Southwest Craft Center, now the Southwest School of Art, in San Antonio, which offered a wider range of courses and experience. Also because the facility in Austin burned.

After buying a few acres west of Austin, I built a small house and smaller studio where I work and feed deer.

I make what I do in clay because I want to. Talking about the why and wherefore usually means taking liberties with the truth. What is true one day may not be the next. What you swear by one day, you curse the next. As with all things in nature, a state of flux is the rule and means all is well.  –Mary Fischer