Red Lodge Clay Center – Short-Term Resident (AIA) 2011
Maren Shallman is a recent graduate of North Dakota State University with an emphasis in Printmaking and Ceramics. Currently Maren is interning with ceramic artist Michael Strand on a large-scale project planned for deployment in June, 2011. Maren is pursuing work in both ceramics and printmaking that seeks to acknowledge relationship in those around her.
Heirloom: Collaboration with Michael Strand. Maren is a printmaker and ceramist who is fully engaged in social practice and has an incredible ability to adorn and decorate. Strand will be throwing 3 Tall shapely tumblers for Maren to adorn and alter. These will be housed in a beautiful handmade box to be distributed to a family in Red Lodge that has an intergenerational presence, ie Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Grand daughter, etc. This will be a gift for them.. Given to the elder first to use, journal and pass down the lineÉ Ending with the youngest who will then own the workÉ To be passed down. This work will examine the history and function of heirloom.. By providing the opportunity.